Matthijs Visser

Vice President

Matthijs designs and leads projects in both the private and public sectors, often involving high-volume data collection methodologies, sophisticated quota schemes, and creative reporting solutions, including online approaches.

He is passionate about finding solutions to each client’s unique challenges, whether they be technical, operational, or analytical. Prior to joining Advanis, Matthijs worked at several research institutes, including the Institute for Research on Intercultural Cooperation (IRIC) and  Globus, an institute for globalization and sustainable development.

CAIP Digital Badge

Matthijs has an M.A. in Organization Studies, specializing in enterprise management and organization. In 2021, Matthijs earned his CAIP designation from the Canadian Research Insights Council.

Matthijs is also a WSET certified wine fanatic. He regularly hosts wine tastings and particularly enjoys older Bordeaux.

Email Matthijs Visser.

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