
Over the past two decades, Advanis has gained extensive experience conducting studies with students and graduates of colleges and universities, as well as with stakeholders across early education, elementary, and high school education. We specialize in capturing the student experience, measuring perceptions of educational institutions, and gauging the outcomes of programs. We focus on providing insights that will improve the educational experience for students as well as the outcomes of their education.

One particular challenge faced when conducting research among students and graduates is the ability to reach respondents due to their transient status and their reliance on mobile devices as their primary form of communication. Advanis has had great success leveraging a combination of data collection methodologies to achieve high participation rates. These methodologies include outbound CATI (landline and mobile), inbound CATI, online (desktop and mobile), and SMS. By offering a combination of these methodologies, we frequently achieve participation rates of well over 50%.

A glimpse of recent work conducted within the education sector includes:

  • Identifying early warning signs for student drop-out to determine what type of support mechanisms and services are needed to keep students enrolled to the completion of their program.
  • Gauging awareness and perceptions of a post-secondary institution based on perceived quality and value of education, facilities, programs, and departments, perceived cost, and post-secondary donations.
  • Capturing provincial satisfaction with educational programs, post-education employment status, occupation, industry, wages, further education or training needs, and solicitation of general feedback about the program.
  • Assessing an educational institution’s graduate employment status and feedback to improve the employment rate of its students post graduation.
  • Measuring a school board district’s level of satisfaction across parent groups for Early Education, Elementary, and High School.
Email Nicolas to learn more about how Advanis helps governments and non-profits design effective public program and initiative.
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